May 2019
Andres Rojas, Boston University, Graduated Spring 2019
Major: Computer Engineering
Career Goals: Mainly, I want to focus on software engineering. I don't have any particular companies in mind, but it would be amazing to feel like I'm working on truly meaningful projects like the software aboard space shuttles or in research and development at IBM.
Biggest surprise about the college experience: Freedom is both a blessing and a curse
Accomplishment most proud of: I'm currently acting as the 2019 Class Treasurer in Engineering Student Government
Can you provide any advice to our current Knights? Make sure to do things to stand out to colleges other than good grades. Being an active member of a club is the one thing that I can think of right now that really matters, more so if you were on e-board for a club.
I paid for college with…: 80% or so with grants given to me directly by the school. The rest was split between small loans and out of pocket.
High School Graduation Date: June 1, 2015 – The Founding Class of Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy