Livia Martinez

June 2021

Livia Martinez (Class of ’17), Barnard College of Columbia University, Graduated Spring 2021

Degree: Environmental Biology with a minor in History

Career Goals: To get a Ph.D in horticulture and work in the field of botany.

What has been the biggest surprise about the college experience? The most surprising part of my college experience was how understanding and sympathetic my professors were! Most of my professors would go the extra mile and give us extra help when needed such as additional office hours, extensions, and extra credit assignments.

Most challenging coursework in college: My most challenging coursework was definitely my physics and math-based classes.

Accomplishment most proud of: I was awarded the Hermann Botanical Class Prize at Barnard College for excellence in biological studies and the Young Botanist Award from the Botanical Society of America for outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences.

Can you provide any advice to our current Knights? Keep a healthy work and social life balance throughout college, it will help you network and stay well rounded!

I paid for college with…: The school I attended offers 100% financial need met, so my tuition and housing was covered by Barnard College.

Fondest memory from high school: Some of my favorite memories were working with Mr. Kearns on the school's first botany lab my senior year, watering orchids and teaching visiting students about plant conservation!