AlumKnight Spotlight – October 2022

October 2022 Spotlight: Sebastian Borges

Sebastian Borges (Class of ’20), University of Miami, Graduating in Fall 2023

Degree: Exercise physiology with a pre-med track

Career Goals: I want to pursue an M.D. and become a practicing physician. Specialties that intrigue me are orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, ophthalmology, and anesthesia.

What has been the biggest surprise about the college experience? My biggest surprise about the college experience has been how helpful my administrators, classmates, and upperclassmen have been. I was always told “college professors don’t care,” but it has been the exact opposite. All my professors have been incredibly understanding and have wanted me to succeed beyond anything else. Upperclassmen that I’ve grown close to have provided me with immense amounts of help that have made college much smoother. Everyone wants everyone to succeed, especially in the pre-med community.

Most challenging coursework in college: The most challenging coursework in college has been my chemistry and organic chemistry classes. Even though orgo is considered an insurmountable beast, anyone can do well if they put in the work. These courses forced me to learn efficient study habits and helped me grow beautiful friendships. No class is too tough, you just have to learn how to best study for it; orgo mechanisms aren’t fun though.

Accomplishment most proud of: I have been named a Dean’s Ambassador for the School of Education and Human Development, while also being a President’s 100 Student Ambassador. I’ve held two chair positions in my pre-medical fraternity and been a teaching assistant for two semesters. I was also recipient of a free MCAT Prep Program by the Miller School of Medicine. Lastly, I am a recipient of the Medical Scholars Program and received an acceptance to the Miller School of Medicine after my sophomore year!

Can you provide any advice to our current Knights? Put yourself out there! College is a time to open up and explore your interests while expanding your comfort zones. I wasn’t always the most outgoing person but now I’m a tour guide for the university and meet new families every week. Being involved in different extracurriculars (if time permits) allows you to see new things and meet new people! However, make sure to keep in touch with those important figures from middle/high school, and the individuals who have helped you become the remarkable person you are today. College is a fresh start, a blank canvas for you to draw on. Take advantage of it!

I paid for college with…: I received the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship which covers full tuition and has a worth of ~$240,000. I also receive Bright Futures and Pell Grant.

Fondest memory from high school: When I think about Jose Marti, I think about the friends I made within those 500 sq feet. Some of those friendships will last a lifetime, and some unfortunately will fall short, but the memories last forever. Arguing about Lebron vs Jordan with Mr. Milian will never get old, and him going crazy after my friend said even Kobe was better than Jordan will never stop being a smile to my face. Rushing to get my lunch to go play boxball is a tradition I wish was still prevalent at UM. Different teachers like Mr. Milian, Ms. Luis, Mr. Kearns, Mr. G & A Johnson, Mr. Dean, Ms. Llanes and Ms. Rioseco (amongst so so so many more) make me want to visit the school as often as I can. Enjoy high school, but look forward to the beautiful future ahead!