AlumKnight Spotlight – December 2022

December 2022 Spotlight: Maria Castellon

Maria Castellon (Class of ’21), Nova Southeastern University, Graduating in 2025

Degree: Biology with a minor in chemistry & dance

Career Goals: To become a medical scientist

What has been the biggest surprise about the college experience? Enjoying my time at campus and finding time to do everything I want.

Most challenging coursework in college: I haven’t found any class challenging *yet* but I think the most difficult thing for coursework is finding the right way to study effectively during time crunches.

Accomplishment most proud of: Receiving the academic award for anatomy & physiology :-).

Can you provide any advice to our current Knights? Even though it’s good to have tough goals to motivate yourself, please don’t overdo it. Make goals you know you can accomplish. Also please take care of your mental and physical health!

I paid for college with…: Dean’s Scholarship and Shark Legacy Scholarship.